I am keeping this one short and sweet, as time is flying!
New Shop in Orcas Village
New Farm Hours
Unexpected success
New pop-up collaboration @Boardwalk.Collective
Summerhouse changes
Selective beautiful consigned storied goods w a n t e d
Farm Crew, eggs, poultry, and other changes
Summer Harvest
Well, we opened the doors of The Boardwalk Collective down at the Orcas Landing one month ago yesterday, and with it, it took over our lives in the best way possible!
The shop is a wonderful extension/expansion of what we have all created separately, and the cohesion of the curated beauty has been more sought-after than we anticipated. (The Bubblery, Barn Swallow Vintage,/Warm Valley Farm, Orcas Island Tarot and Botanical Bar PNW) We are so grateful for our local friends and customers, and all the Island visitors that have graced our shop.
The downfall (if you can call it that) is that I suddenly have a lot less time to be at the farm and need a lot more time at the Boardwalk Collective. I am also working on a few other business ideas that are percolating on the back burner for the slower season ;)
So as the saying goes, something had to give! Warm Valley Farms hours were one of the things…
The farm is now ONLY open Wednesdays from 12-6 PM
The farmstand will stay as it is, full of freshly harvested veggies, some fun storied goods, garden ornaments, and vintage finds.
We are holding a Farm Fresh Fridays Pop-up at The Boardwalk Collective from 3-6 PM every Friday through the season. We are collaborating with the creative beauty Kimberly Wilder from Botanical Bar PNW. She uses both her blooms, and Warm Valley Farm's, plus some from other local growers to create gorgeous floral arrangements to gift yourself or a friend with.
Our eclectic Summerhouse stock is merging into The Boardwalk Collective’s selection of yumminess. The beautiful Summerhouse will morph into event space/classroom use. It is available to rent for your pop-ups!
Oh Islanders, do you have marvelous storied goods needing a new home? One of the joys of the shop is passing well-loved consignment items into the hands and hearts of new homes. I am taking on selective consigned storied goods from people like you! If you think you have something(s) that feels like a fit, we can set up an appointment for a meeting and consider your beautiful things. We are looking for:
Clothing ~ gently worn, high quality, and connected to today's trends
Antiques, paintings, storied goods
Vintage finds
Ceramic functional art ~ larger bowls, platters, mugs
House and garden ornaments
Quirky finds and cool bits and bobs.
Farm Crew, eggs, poultry & other changes:
So, along with the highs of the harvest season, Jolie and Adelaide, our wonderful farm crew that began with us on January 1st departs for Graduate school in Montana on August 15th! They have both been so incredible and we are super sad to see them go, as well as incredibly happy that they are starting on such a grand adventure. They have been instrumental in poultry care and egg-cleaning production. So, sadly we are selling off the poultry. The hens have all found homes at The Little Farm on Olga Road. We are currently looking for homes for the remaining 26 Gold Star Hybrid laying duck hens. We had a local friend take two for her lonely drake. Does anyone need some quacky feathered friends?
Along with all that, the Summer fresh harvest season is upon us. We are pulling oodles of glorious garden veggies out of West Field. Our farm participants are such heartfelt humans and feel like family. We are so grateful for each of them. We look forward to seeing you here on the farm on Wednesdays, at the new Boardwalk Collective any day of the week, and on Fridays at the new shop for our farm Pop-up
Thank you for all your support of Joel and I, and Warm Valley Farm. We are spinning plates and juggling monkeys and laughing at the abundance of it all in late July. Looking forward to easy Fall days on the water, good friends around the table, and lots of canning on the shelves. We send our best to you and look forward to seeing you in all our favorite places.